Patient Information - Información del paciente

Last Name - Apellido
First Name - Nombre de pila
Middle Initial - Segundo nombre
Sex - el sexo
Date of Birth - Fecha de nacimiento *
Marital Status - Estado Civil
Social Security Number - Número de seguridad social
Email Address - Dirección de correo electrónico
Preferred Language - Idioma preferido
Street Address - Dirección
City - Ciudad
State - Estado
Zip Code - Código postal
Home Phone Number - Número del hogar
Please enter in the 123-123-1234 format - Ingrese en el formato 123-123-1234
Cell Phone Number - Número de celular
Please enter in the 123-123-1234 format - Ingrese en el formato 123-123-1234
Work Phone Number - Número de trabajo
Please enter in the 123-123-1234 format - Ingrese en el formato 123-123-1234
Occupation - la Ocupación
Spouse Name - Nombre del conyuge
Date of Birth - Fecha de nacimiento *
Phone Number - Número de teléfono
Please enter in the 123-123-1234 format - Ingrese en el formato 123-123-1234

Patient History - Physical Form

Patient Past Medical Historyc (Please check any medical problems you had in the past)
Anticoagulation Therapy
Chronic Lung Disease
Colon Polyps
Congestive Heart Failure
Coronory Heart Disease
Crohn's Disease
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Depression Mellitus
Fatty Liver
Heart Disease / Pacemaker
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Hyperlipidemia (High Cholestrol)
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
Inflammatory Bowl Disease
Irritable Bowl Syndrome
Kidney Disease
Kidney Stone
Liver Disease
Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)
Primary Billiary Cirrhosis
Primary Scierosing Cholangitis
Rashes / Skin Problems
Renal Insufficiency
Sleep Apnea
Thyroid Disease
Ulcerative Colitis

Past Surgical History

Check any surgeries you have had and date of surgery if you know it
Never had surgery
Bariatric Surgery
Bowel Resection
Breast Surgery
Cholecystectomy (GallBladder Removal)
Upper Endoscopy (EGD)
Cosmetic Surgery
Eye Surgery
Hepatobilliary Surgery
Hernia Repair
Kidney Transplant
Liver Transplant
Orthopedic Surgery
Sterilization Surgery
Vascular Surgery

Family History

Check below to report problems your FAMILY MEMBERS have had
I was adopted so I do not know my Family History
Alcohol Abuse
Breast Cancer
Celiac Disease
Colon Cancer
Colon Polyps
COPD Lung Disease
Cystic fibrosis
Heart Attack
High Cholestrol
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Irrtable Bowel Syndrome
Kidney Disease
Liver Disease


List current Medication , Dosage, Frequency and Indication


Pharmacy Phone Number - Número de teléfono
Please enter in the 123-123-1234 format - Ingrese en el formato 123-123-1234

Emergency Contact

Relational to Patient/Nombre
Phone Number - Número de teléfono
Please enter in the 123-123-1234 format - Ingrese en el formato 123-123-1234
Street Address - Dirección
City - Ciudad
Zip Code - Código postal

Primary Care Physician

Doctor Name/Nombre del medico
Phone Number - Número de teléfono
Please enter in the 123-123-1234 format - Ingrese en el formato 123-123-1234
Fax Number
Please enter in the 123-123-1234 format - Ingrese en el formato 123-123-1234
Street Address - Dirección
City - Ciudad
Zip Code - Código postal

Referring Physician

Doctor Name/Nombre del medico
Phone Number - Número de teléfono
Please enter in the 123-123-1234 format - Ingrese en el formato 123-123-1234
Fax Number
Please enter in the 123-123-1234 format - Ingrese en el formato 123-123-1234
Street Address - Dirección
City - Ciudad
Zip Code - Código postal

Financial Policy

The doctors and staff of Gastroenterology Consultants, CFL, PA would like to welcome you to our practice. We strive to provide you with excellent medical care and our goal is to make your visit as convenient as possible. We ask for help by understanding and cooperating with our financial policy.

Please read this policy and sign below confirming you understand the following:

All payments - Self pay fee, insurance co-payments, co-insurances and deductibles will be collected at the time of service. Payable by Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express.

A return check will result in a $25 service charge and all future payments will be required in the form of Cash or Credit Card.

If you do NOT have your payment; your appointment may be re-scheduled

Payment in full of any past due balance is expected prior to being seen.

Our practice participates with several insurance companies; it is your responsibility to understand the requirements and covered benefits of your plan.

You are responsible for any non-covered and/ or denied claim; you will receive a statement of denied charges and payment is due in 30 days after the date of statement.

If you insurance policy requires a referral, it is your responsibility to contact your primary care physician and have a referral faxed to our office prior to appointment date.

It is your responsibility to notify our office of any changes to your insurance coverage, your address and telephone number

You are required to cancel your appointment 24 hours prior to the appointment time.

No shows and late cancellation are subject to a $50 cancellation charge for office visits and $100 cancellation charge for procedures.

We realize that temporary financial problems may affect timely payment of accounts. If such problem arise, we urge you to contact us promptly for assistance in the management of your account. Call 407292-1414.

I have read and understand the above financial policy and agree to meet all financial obligations.

Patient Name (Print):
Date :
Signature of Patient


I hereby authorize direct payment of surgical/ medical benefits to Gastroenterology Consultants, for services rendered by him/her in person or under his/her supervision. | understand that | am financially responsible for any balance not covered by my insurance/s.

Espajiol: Por la presente autorizo el pago directo de beneficios medicos / procedimiento a Gastroenterology Consultants, por los servicios prestados por el / ella en persona o bajo su / su supervisidn. Entiendo que soy financieramente responsable de cualquier saldo no cubierto por mi seguro.


I hereby authorize Gastroenterology Consultants to release any medical or incidental information that may be necessary for either medical care or in processing applications for financial benefits.

Espaiiol: Por la presente autorizo Gastroenterology Consultants para liberar cualquier informacien medica 0 incidental que pueda ser necesario, ya sea para la atencien medica 0 en la tramitacien de solicitudes de eneficios financieros.


| certify that the information given by me in applying for payment is correct. | authorize release of all records on request. | request that payment of authorized benefits be made on my behalf.

Espaiiol: Certifico que la informacidn dada por mi en la solicitud de pago es correcta. Autorizo la liberacien de todos los registros a peticien. Solicito que el pago de los beneficios autorizados se haga en mi nombre.

Patient Name (Print):
Date :
Signature of Patient